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    3 reasons why Aaron Ramsey deserves your respect

    Just how good is Aaron Ramsey right now? Form of his life-good is how much, and given that Arsenal have just splashed £40m + on Mesut Ozil, it is a credit to the young Welshman that he is putting in match winning performance after match winning performance. Anyway, through this list I will highlight to you exactly why the young midfielder garners your respect and gaze for the remainder of the season.

    1. He can recover from a broken leg

    After suffering such a horrific injury due to the clumsiness of Stoke's Ryan Shawcross (aw, don't cry) in February 2010, many questioned whether or not Ramsey's career was over, never mind if he'd make a full recovery.

    It was a terrible moment and one that should never come about if tackles are executed correctly but there are some players out there who can be dangerous. Not only does it take a magnificent effort to recover physically from such a traumatic experience; it must have been a struggle for Ramsey to cope with the mental ramifications too.

    So, it is hard not to admire the young man when he is playing so well considering that his foot was hanging off of his ankle nearly three and a half years ago. 

    2. Criticism? What criticism?

    Due to the often mentioned lack of trophies from the Gunners over the past 8 or so seasons, Arsenal fans can become quite an angry and highly critical bunch when things aren't going their way. 

    This time last season, for instance, Arsenal weren't enjoying a very good start to the season and Ramsey was not playing his best football mainly because he was being deployed on the left wing by Arsene Wenger (see: lack of options). He was the target for many of the fans' ire and in this age of social media the abuse was frequent and came by the bucket load.

    Footballers do endure a fair bit of flak every now and then but Arsenal fans were really laying into poor ol' Rambo. Well, who is laughing now, eh? With his performances at the end of last season and leading into this one (thanks to being played in his natural central midfield position), Ramsey has silenced all of those critics with his football and that is a magnificent achievement. 

    3. He has an engine. And a half.

    I never understood why Ramsey received all of that criticism in the first place anyway. Other members of the team are more culpable (I'm looking at you Theo) and besides Ramsey always works his socks off and you can't knock that. 

    If a player goes out onto the pitch, gives 100% for the team and the fans, runs until everything is burning and until there is no more sweat to give, then you simply say well done. If all that is good enough, then great, if not, well better luck next time but at least you gave it your all.

    Ramsey always leaves everything out there on the pitch; tackling, covering, running, he never stops. And, for that, he deserves a salute. 

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      Response: A.J. Hawk Jersey
      If you enjoy football, you in all probability have a favourite group from the National Football League or two and have a list of players who like to have observed.

    Reader Comments (1)

    Ramsey is legendary.

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