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    Orr wants permanent Ipswich move

    Bradley Orr has cleaned his wellies and dusted his flat cap in what looks to be an attempt at persuading Mick McCarthy to sign him on a permanent deal.

    The Scouser is enjoying his surroundings at the Suffolk club despite being contenders to drop out of the Championship, and is looking for a long term contract so he can settle down.

    He has also tried sweet talking McCarthy since his arrival, stating that it is an honour to play under someone with such a status in the game, someone with great experience and respect in such a tough environment. All these comments were made whilst Orr was walking big Mick’s whippets, of course.

    Perhaps he just doesn’t want to go back to Blackburn with all the turmoil going on at Eawood Park, or perhaps the chairman has promised a go in his tractor, either way, it looks like our Bradley will be staying put if the two sides can meet an agreement.