I am sorry!

Ashley Cole has apologised ‘unreservedly’ for criticising the FA after his evidence in the John Terry race case was questioned.
Cole gave evidence to court as he was one of the players near the incident between Terry and Anton Ferdinand in last season’s match between QPR and Chelsea. Cole’s evidence was questioned by a FA commission. After the questioning Cole used Twitter to express his anger at the FA.
However in Cole’s defence he later deleted the tweet and publicly apologised for what he had done. Cole said that the tweet he posted was done in the heat of the moment.
Cole’s tweet came out around three hours after the commission published a 63 page report on the Terry case, this also happened at the same time of Chelsea manager’s news conference ahead of the Norwich game. Cole removed his tweet just over an hour after he tweeted it but the problem is the tweet had already be retweeted more than 20,000 times.
The outburst doesn’t seem to have affected his relationship with the national squad as he is expected to play in the match on Friday against San Marino.
Ashley Cole has in the past had his own versions of controversy but there is no doubt he is a fantastic left back for both Chelsea and England. He is one of the best if not the best left back in the world and as he is in the peak of his career it is vital he keeps playing well for England.
Daniel Clark
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