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      The end of goal line incidents (Video)

      We will finally see the introduction of goal line technology in the Premiership from next season, with Hawkeye being chosen as the preferred company to determine incidents where the ball may or may not have crossed the line. For those of us who watch tennis events such as Wimbledon, we are already familiar with the instant replay generated via computer images which tells us whether a shot is in or out. The system is effective and quick and rarely disrupts the flow of a game. Can the same be said for football?

      Referees will know within a second of the incident whether a goal has been scored or not, according to the men from Hawkeye. The system will finally put an end to controversial decisions where the human eye has been unable to correctly determine the position of the ball in the goalmouth. Now we will be able to utilise a machine that can accurately calculate such incidents at every attempt. Whilst there are fears that this is only the beginning of a gradual mechanisation of the game, it is worth pointing out that whilst fouls and other decisions are subjectively based, a ball crossing a line is a simple matter of fact, which shouldn't be left to opinion. I, for one, am completely in agreement with its introduction. What do you think of this technology?

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        �ީ`�����������֥� �ǥ����` �ީ`�����������֥� �rӋ ֱ�ӵ� �ީ`�����������֥� �rӋ С���� �ީ`�����������֥� �rӋ ���å����å�
      • Response
        The end of goal line incidents?(Video) - Football Friends Online - FootballFriendsonline.com
      • Response
        The end of goal line incidents?(Video) - Football Friends Online - FootballFriendsonline.com

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