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    The softer side of Paolo Di Canio (Video)


    Facist! Racist! Nazi!

    There has been, as I am sure you have noticed, an awful lot attention focussed on Sunderland's new manager Paolo Di Canio due to his rather radical political beliefs.

    Now that that particular drum has been beaten by the media endlessly over the past week it is all getting a little boring now so why don't remind ourselves of Paolo di Canio's lighter side.

    No, no I'm not talking about the time he substituted that goalkeeper 20 mins into a game! I am, of course, referring to his brilliant advert for Imperial Leather.

    Apparently, if you use Imperial Leather as your bubble bath it will allow you to hallucinate that Di Canio is in your bathroom and stripping off ready to jump in the tub with you. Scary stuff, I'm sure you'll agree, but you get the feeling that Di Canio is a bit of a ladies man so it works well here as a decent bit of marketing.

    It was probably a nice little earner for Di Canio, too, and maybe he saw a gap in the market for footballers and the bubble bath market. Perhaps Di Canio, now back in the Premier League, will try to tap into this niche again but this time choosing Radox

    This are the burning questions which now surround the Italian's controversial tenure at Sunderland.