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    The Balotelli show must go on

    Since returning to Italy with AC Milan Mario Balotelli has been letting his football do the talking which he lets happen from time to time.

    Seven goals in eight appearances is impressive and it looks like the troubled chap may have finally decided to focus all of his attentions on playing football as opposed to playing the fool.

    It was inevitable, however, that the former Manchester City man would crack and allow himself a moment of madness. And so it proved on the team's recent trip to Florence where Balotelli was caught by a train guard smoking in the train toilets.

    With Balotelli it is hard to know whether to laugh or cry but I think in this instance it is worth a chuckle. How old is he? 22? And he gets caught like a naughty school child smoking in the train toilets. Goodness gracious. What's next? Caught petting behind the shed in the playground? Reprimanded for not wearing his tie?

    If he is going to behave like a child then I suppose you have to treat him like a child.

    Milan have said that they will fine the Italian and Balotelli can add this incident to his already very long list of misdemeanors. I guess Silvio doesn't mind as long as he keeps scoring goals for the team but the problems start when he does these ridiculous things and puts in terrible performances, as City fans can attest to.