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    « United don’t need Modric | Main | Hazard will be the signing of the summer »

    Reader Comments (2)

    But in the case of Hazard, would Beckham have paid the 6 (or 4) million his agent wanted? Utd wouldn't, City wouldn't, then by a strange coincidence Hazard found that only Chelsea's "project" was right for him! Is that Belgian for "only Chelsea would cough up the cash we wanted"?

    Would Beckham have shelled out the extra Euros that Nasri demanded, before City agreed to stuff his pockets and he realised that City's "project" was more exciting?

    Your idea isn't without merit, but let's not ignore the fact that so many of these footballers insult our intelligence by blathering on about "the importance of where they play", or the "need to be part if a successful team", or most embarrassingly of all, the value of a "project", before going to whichever club pays the biggest wad of cash.

    Shame they can't be honest enough to say "I'll play for whoever gives me/ my agent the most money". If that's too much to expect (and of course it is) I'd rather they just kept their gobs closed.

    And I wish FIFA would stop wasting its time on technology and rules and concentrate on something really useful - making it an offence, punishable by a lifetime ban, for anyone who refers to football clubs or teams as a "project".

    SAF and Man Utd should have some golden goldies in the side, this will inspire the babes. There is nothing wrong in
    signing Beckham will join Ryan, Paul and Rio.
    This is a blend of youth and experience, rather than having an all star side, this will give the side a morale boost.

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