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    Rangers Chief says what we were all thinking...

    Maybe it was a bit harsh, but Rangers Chief Executive Charles Green has posed the question this week:

    "How can Manchester United's revenues be £320m and Aston Villa, who are completely useless, get £250m?"

    This was in the context that he had predicted that a European League would be formed because big teams can't keep subsidising the small teams. 

    He might have a point here, in that the bigger clubs might break away - however I hope he wasn't talking about Rangers being a big club.... 

    He is up to date with current affairs right? He knows that Rangers next fixture is at home to Queen's Park and they're going into that off the back of a loss away at Stirling Albion! 

    I don't think he's in a position to be calling Aston Villa useless, despite what we all think as we see them stumble from one season to the next in the Premier League. 

    Back to the point here though: What are the odds of us seeing this European Super League? How do we feel about it? Would it work? 

    Imagine looking down the fixture list and seeing your team playing at home, then Barca, then home, then away at Zenit... no this just sounds like the Champions League group stages, but imagine if it was every weekend!? Match of the Day would be a nightmare!!

    Could your bank balance take that as a fan? It would be like the NFL where the home team has near on 100% fan advantage and away games almost impossible to go and see...

    For you Villains, you'll be pleased to hear that Chaz has sent you a letter to say Sorry.

    Reader Comments (9)

    Rangers are dead! Sevco(Rangers tribute act) are close to the brink! European football does need a rethink but it needs to be more decisive and calculated than the ramblings of a mad man! Start by reducing Champions League spots to 3rd & 4th place, then create a competitive but viable replacement to Europa League! C'mon Platini spread the football!

    Wishful thinking from 'Chaz'!
    As for the article, look at Rangers' attendances, compared with UK and European (domestic) crowds. Consider the fact that league position was down to Whyte's nonsense, not ability on the park. What about Rangers' successes over 140 years and counting (sorry, 'pacific shelf', call us sevco, then that's your name by the same logic).
    Donate the same TV rights money to Rangers as Villa and we can talk on a level playing field.

    Probably something that will come into effect at some point in the future. It will possibly see the decline of the domestic leagues but the reality is that the massive clubs dotted throughout Europe will whet the appetite for all - as things stand the Champions League is getting close to the only show in town.

    I would be interested as to what criteria clubs would qualify upon, surely it would see some countries whose domestic leagues are miles behind in revenue have representative clubs who will see their potential explode.

    On this front I am guessing that Scotland’s first invite would go to Glasgow Celtic given their massive worldwide fan base - I have travelled extensively and in almost every town you see four things i.e. an Irish bar, a Chinese restaurant, a Man U top and a Celtic top. Where this leaves Charles Green and his band of merry men I am not sure.

    That said it would probably be fairest having some sort of qualification through domestic leagues rather than just hand picking the very elite clubs.

    A lot to consider definitely.

    Big G I think you will find that the Celtic fans believe they have a larger club than Rangers, well that is not the case at all. Rangers are and always will be a larger club than Celtic. We have higher attendances, larger traveling support, more supporter clubs throughout the world.

    the pacific shelfers never seem to amaze me,everytime thrs a story online with the word rangers in it,thy always appear like a troll from under the bridge,and thy say tht this is nt obsessive behaviour,jim cant fix it for u to have ur cake and eat it anymore,have nt u heard,his rep has went the same way as yours,being extensivly travelled,u will find what u go looking for,yes the irish are everywhere and we all know why tht is,but to say tht celtic are a bigger club than rangers just look at the facts tht go along with tht statement,with the same logic as u say tht celtic tops and irish bars are everywhere,u could say everytime u see a union jack abroad tht thy support rangers,the biggest percent of these so called celtic tops ill bet have been donated to the local charity shop in glasgow to ship worldwide to the people who dont know any better,who would u rather be associated with our QUEEN waving a union jack,or CHILD ABUSE and IRA TERRORISM waving a tri-colour,singing about the maining of british soldiers women and children,cause for me and and any1 with any morals its a no brainer,watch out for celtics tribute to the fallen on rememberence day,ul b surprised,and i can guarentee u it wont b in the form of a minutes silence and a poopy on thier chests,it will no doubt be a banner of IRA GUNMEN DOWNING BRITISH SOLDIERS WITH A RIFLE with the words BRITS OUT EMBLAZONED UPON IT,celtic are a big club theres no doubt about tht,but catholic opprerssion aside,BRITANNIA shall always rule the waves,and any1 of british origin who goes to the degree celtic fans do to support the terrorist who have killed our countrymen then support is the last thing outsiders should b providing these people,as it makes u just as bad as them,do a search of the injustices the celtic fans have commited on our country,htey claim to b irish,when i doubt even 5% of them have even set foot in the emerald isle,so get as grip mate,RANGERS THEN RANGERS NOW RANGERS FOREVER

    Dearie dearie me BJK, you really are a pathetic excuse for a football supporter. T'Rangers wont see the season out but no doubt you will still fill Ibrox with 50,000 just to sing your songs of supremacism and Britishness - which in my book is less about ruling the waves and more about paying your way i.e. taxes!

    But back to the football, which I notice is completely missing from your post. There probably will be a European Super League sometime in the future. Will Celtic or T'Rangers get in it? Of the 2 there's only one that currently stands a chance and they play in the ubiquitous green and white hoops.
    All the best for the forthcoming seasons in Div3, 2 and 1 - what you do after that well, ask Charlie Green, cos you wont be in any Super League!

    I can’t believe the total lack of class or brains associated with the club formally known as Rangers. They cannot help themselves referring to child abuse, yet this was carried out by a former employee of rangers and recommend by them to Celtic.

    Poppy money, yes the skint old club used the collections from the poppy’s and other charities to fund the running of the club.

    Terrorism, a larger percentage of Catholics were killed by loyalist paramilitaries than otherwise. Remember Rangers are/were a club steeped in anti-Catholic bigotry. So much so that a former player and England captain was brought to task by his wife, who was ashamed by what he was turning into due to his anti-Catholic behaviour. Also, Rangers legend Davie Cooper, once told his manager that he would walk out of his club (not rangers at this time) if they sign any more Catholics, the SFA put him in the Hall of fame.

    Let’s try to talk about football, BJK and his like is what is wrong with my Country.

    To say I am astonished at the reaction my post has provoked is an understatement. I was no aligning Irish bars with Celtic in the same way I was not aligning Chinese restaurants with Man U. My only point is that anywhere I have been the four entities mentioned can always be found without looking too hard.

    Look I don’t care for any internal politics I am simply saying that from a football point of view you would have to look and say that the obvious candidates to represent Scotland would be Glasgow Celtic in the same way that when seeking the marquee club(s) from England people would be saying Man U, Spain Madrid and Barcelona, Germany Bayern Munich, France PSG etc etc.

    I do feel that it would be important that big clubs like Aston Villa, Glasgow Rangers, Bremen and others of similar ilk would have some form of passage to a European Super League in order to give them a chance to compete and not be left behind in the wilderness.

    My own thoughts would be that this could be done via winning a revamped Europa League where the winners replace the bottom team in the European Super League each season. As such you could have two great European competitions.

    Big G,

    I wouldn't take it personally. This type of prolonged, scattergun rant is typical of many a Sevco fan. They still refuse to show any shame or remorse for the actions of their old club. They tend to display uneducated and ill informed views that would struggle to gain credence in the 20th century, never mind the 21st. You don't have to scratch too far beneath the surface to find racist or bigoted views of some kind, and the anger and sheer venom in their tone is indicative of a class of people who are now realising that they do not hold some kind of special position in society. Her Majesty requires them to pay their taxes as much as any of us. It hurts them that they are not 'the people' after all.

    Anyways, on to the football. I think a full time European League of some sort is inevitable in the coming decades. I think the only way round the arguments about what countries get how many places is simply to have 3 or 4 European divisions of 18-20 clubs. That would mean roughly the top 60 clubs would be participating which should be enough to keep most people happy. Clubs would then be promoted/relegated on merit so that a club like Celtic, Villa, Fiorentina etc could find themselves regularly competing at the top table if they run their clubs correctly. It would also mean the likes of Man Utd, Bayern Munich et al could conceivably drop out of the top flight if they don't perform.

    I think the key is a proper distribution of the huge TV & sponsorship revenues. What must be avoided is a repeat of the financial gap Championship & League 1 clubs find themselves in compared to the Premier League, and even worse, the situation La Liga clubs find themselves in compared to Real & Barca. Obviously there would be a difference in what Man Utd can generate in terms of revenue compared to Lyon, they should keep what they generate; but TV money & collective sponsorships should be distributed equally and differentials in prize money kept to a minimum.

    Smaller clubs (like Sevco, haha) could also eventually gain access via a pyramid system. The bottom 6 or even 8 clubs could be relegated from the bottom division and newcomers decided by a play off system like a mini Europa League. Smaller clubs would still be playing in their domestic leagues and still qualify for the play offs by finishing top of their domestic league.

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