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      Rotherham help the aged

      Club doesn’t want you because your deemed “over the hill” and heading for the knackers yard? Well, move to Rotherham where they believe in the good old notion that things get better with age.

      According to Sky, Millers manager Andy Scott has handed his striker Paul Warne a new deal to keep him away from running model trains in his retirement.

      Of course, there is still life in the old dog, Warne is only 38 so the bus pass is still not quite on its way, and Scott is still fanciful of the experience and nous the wise old man brings to his squad.

      "His experience is invaluable and also the way he looks after himself” Scott told Sky Sports News, "I want him around the first team, he's a good link between me and the players and if you ask him to do something he'll do it."

      Warne has only managed 26 appearances since joining from Yeovil in 2009 as he begins to wind down into his retirement plans, but is currently combining playing duties with coaching and even stepped into the caretaker manager breach during the transition from Ronnie Moore to the aged-friendly Andy Scott.

      Warne had only made one appearance so far this season, a 33 minute cameo away at Gillingham last week but that hasn’t deterred Scott from giving him a new deal, saying “he’s great to have about the place… maybe continue as a player or use him in other areas of the team”, he went on to say in his Sky interview.

      All the SAGA holidays and the routine trips to the supermarket on the bus can wait for a little while longer as Warne is not quite ready for his mobility scooter. He remains at Rotherham as Andy Scott does his best for Age Concern.
