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      “Don’t shake his hand!”

      Arsene Wenger has put a stop to players shaking hands at Arsenal’s training ground to prevent his players contracting a virus that is spreading through the team.

      Mertesaker, Vermaelen, Coquelin and Walcott all have the mystery bug that is affecting them. Wenger is banning too much human contact to ensure this bug doesn’t wipe out most of his squad. Instead of handshakes players are touching elbows as a way of showing respect and fair play.

      To promote team-building Arsene Wenger is a firm believer in making his players shakes hands before every training session; this rule appears to be scraped at the moment to ensure Wenger doesn’t get an unwanted selection headache.

      Other measures have been taken to ensure the bug doesn’t spread. The changing rooms at Arsenal have been cleaned with a special cleaning formula and all players and coaches wash their hands regularly.

      An illness in any football team can’t be dismissed as unlike any other workplace a footballer can’t continue with their daily job with a cold or illness like any other workman or women can as their physical performance drops considerably.

      Arsenal will however take part in the pre match handshake with West Ham later today; you may see a lot of players wearing the traditional black gloves in the Gunners squad at Upton Park, as a medical precaution to rather than a way of fighting the cold conditions.

      Wenger has insisted that the hygiene at Arsenal has improved to combat the mystery bug. He also pointed out that one of the most common ways of passing illnesses is through shaking hands.

      Is Arsene Wenger a knowledgeable doctor as well as a fantastic manager?

      Daniel Clark


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