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    VIDEO: Celebration of the week 

    It is regrettable that I will never know the feeling of true elation that comes from scoring an important goal in a professional football game.

    At 24, it's probably too late to think about embarking on a professional football career (you never know, though) but I do remember scoring an important goal or two during my little league days. Does scoring a last minute winner in FIFA count? That can be a pretty uplifting moment, but then the horrible reality kicks in and you realise it is only a video game. 

    Anyway, I think we all enjoy a decent celebration but not every footballer can pull it off. Planned nonsense from the likes of Daniel Sturridge and Emmanuel Adebayor is tiresome, for example, whilst a expert knee slide is far more aesthetically pleasing. Sharing the moment of happiness with the crowd is always fun as is celebrating in front of the away supporters in an attempt to goad them into committing a serious crime.

    For this amateur Italian football player, scoring a goal means it is time to become violent. Not to anyone else, however, but to one's self. This goal must have been pretty bloody significant because this chap decides the best way to celebrate is not to bask in the admiration of his teammates but to smash his head straight through the dugout.

    Brilliant stuff. And just to compound matters the ref sees it as such a ridiculously stupid that the player should be dismissed from the field of player. That is of no consequence, though, because that amateur player from Italy has earned himself the coveted celebration of the week award.

    Good on you, sir!