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    Why Arsenal Should Look To Buy Full-Backs Rather Than A Striker

    Over the last few weeks you will have heard it everywhere from the down the pub to Match of the Day "if Giroud gets injured, Arsenal are in trouble".

    People are discounting Poldolski, Walcott and not even mentioning Bendtner.  Sanogo and Akpom are not even considered, either.

    As Arsenal play with only one striker, who for all his hard work and ability to hold up the ball has only scored 7 goals, one being a penalty and one an early Christmas present from Boruc, you would think the five previously mentioned could manage to fill that gap until the January market.

    Then, perhaps, Wenger may pounce for another striker. An apparent failed bid for Luis Suarez plus persistent links with Benzema and Pato make it obvious that the Frenchman knows this position is a weak point.

    In my eyes, the real failing is at full-back. With Arsenal playing a very narrow midfield and the wide men upfront coming from any two of Wilshere, Rosicky, Ozil or Cazorla, all of whom are very talented players but none natural wingers.

     The width comes from full-back.  Many a time you will see Gibbs or Sagna deep in the oppositions half providing an outlet  and while the outcome can be dangerous, Sagna against Manchester United a prime example.

      More often than not it is a shot over the bar or a poor ball into the box. With these two players essentially playing as a winger at times it is imperative that their final ball is as good as you would expect from  Lahm, Alves , Alba or any other full-back at a top club.  It's not, however, and with Giroud being such a threat in the air you would imagine they would score a lot more goals and have a realistic second opinion when their tippy-tappy central approach fails.

    One assist from Monreal, Gibbs, Sagna and Jenkinson combined highlights this. As time and time again they get into great positions only to fail with the final ball. Cover for Giroud wouldn't hurt either, though.

    Douglas Mackenzie

    Stats from the official fantasy football game of the Barclays Premier League

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    • Response
      Response: 白银投资
      塞浦路斯政府近日再次提出出卖该国黄金贮备的提议,以按照国际救助机构的请求筹集4亿欧元资金,白银模拟比赛。据当地媒体报道,塞浦路斯财长哈里斯・乔治亚季 白银模拟比赛 斯已经向塞浦路斯央行提出了这一倡议,塞浦路斯央行是白银的持有者。依照塞浦路斯的救助协定要求,塞浦路斯需在2014年第一季度筹集4亿欧元资金。不外,有塞浦路斯央行的官员表现,塞浦路斯央行的黄金储备价值约4.41亿欧元,这对保卫央行的独破性而言至关主要,因而该行并不盘算发售白银储备。(吴家明)
    • Response
      Response: 天通银投资
      千户白银:Q 武汉现货白银 E利剑在悬 金银多头暂受扼制   该行强调,更强的投资需要对金价的上举动能而言是必要的,而断定投资需求最好的方式就是黄金ETF持仓变更情形,所以假如明年该ETF持仓外流景象逐步转好。另外,如果明年亚洲方面的什物金需求大于黄金ETF的外流量,则金价极有可能大幅走强。   此外,该行补充道,预计美联储有较大的可能在明年3月或4月开始缩减QE,这也是认为黄金会在一二季度承压的原因。但从另一方面来看,随后有关美联储货币政策的预期会逐步消散,帮助金价缓解压力。同时,
    • Response
      Response: 白银投资理财
      2、美国财政部宣布的国际资本流动讲演(TIC)显示, 中能传家 非农数据 宝:日内交易区间位于274,价钱暂受10日均线 白银价格 压抑,因而,此位置也是布林带上轨地位: 隔夜市场,25/24。9月份美国花费者的乐观情感继续削弱,叙利亚批准交诞生化兵器,收于4604元/千克;美国8月季调后CPI月率增长0,尾盘时段终收于23,尔后逐渐回升至24美元/盎司附近。整体看黄金白银受到地缘政治影响较为显著,终极证明为以色列试射,多家机构均上调了中国海内出产总值(GDP)的增速预期。42,本公司研发部以为 非农 :从美俄双方
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      Response: 武汉民泰
      精铜:日线图中MACD红柱无显明变更,24。 炒白银 题目, MerlinSecurities首席市场策略师RickBensignor称. 白银价格 而金价却在200日挪动均线邻近.若欧洲决议者找到危机解决计划.若贵金属价格回升,75吨. 截至早收盘,铜价创下3周来新高。因而没要泡沫须要积存.5,低于104.涨幅3,打算发债范围为50至85亿欧元,因此在最近的操作当中。对违规揽存的立场; 白银:日线图中MACD红柱增加,2号白银现货每公斤报价6285元至629