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    It's time Wenger's Welsh Wizard waves goodbye to North London

    Many, many fellow Gooners will disagree with what I have to say, but I feel that this Summer Arsene Wenger should cash in on inconsistent midfielder Aaron Ramsey while he still has some value.

    Yes it could come back to haunt Arsene but this season Ramsey has been blowing hot and cold, and far too often it has been the latter.

    On Sunday he only came on for the remaining 12 minutes but during that time he managed to squander a superb chance to double Arsenal's lead when he selfishly blazed wide with Robin Van Persie in acres of space.

    Of course for a while fans of the Welsh captain could point to his horrific injury he received at Stoke last season which I agree affected him on his return, but it has been over a year since his comeback and that excuse has long gone.

    Registering just three goals from midfield in 39 appearences is not an amazing record from someone who gets as many chances as Ramsey does and with Tomas Rosicky's improving form and Alex Song's consistently superb performances Ramsey is becoming the weak link of the midfield trio.

    I am sure that when Jack Wilshere finally returns from injury Wenger will go with Song holding midfield and Rosicky and Wilshere playing just in front.

    He cost the club £5,000,000 when we took him from Cardiff nearly four years ago and now his value is probably still above what we paid for him, but if his performances this season continue through to next then it will drop, rapidly.

    If Wenger was to sell the former Bluebird and invest the money in improving the squad then I for one would be delighted.

    Thanks for all you have done Aaron, but for me, your time gracing the Emirates pitch is up.

    Michael Cox

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    Reader Comments (83)

    Too many sentimental posts here. Ramsey is not good enought for Arsenal. Too many fancy flicks that don't come off, slows the move down too many times, tries to be Fabregas. Sure he broke his leg and has been through a lot but let's not get carried away. He wasn't exactly setting the world alight before his injury. He's fit it well somewhere like Fulham.

    Please tell me this is some kind of sick joke!? If you watch Ramseyplay you'll see he's doing everything right except that final bit at the end. When the penny drops, as it's done with Henry, Van Persie, Song, et,. he'll be one of the finest midfielders in the country.

    In two years time Ramsey will be one of the main men in British football, I only hope you'll remember writing this story then.


    Good day.


    a) This is his first season back after a career threatening injury...
    b) He is only 21, not every player shines at that age...

    I'm not saying he will come good, but I sure as hell am willing to give him the chance!

    | Unregistered CommenterD

    Footballfriends? how do u work that out. you sure you have spell your name right it must be ck instead of x!. you are slagging off a 21 year old.kid who has been through hell with a career threatening injury. then the man who supported him through his year long spell on the sidelines and chose him as his international captain goes and hangs himself. you really are an insensitive cock if all you are worried about is wether he is good enough to play out of position in our first team. your a toal disgrace and need to take a good look at yourself as to wether you are capable and worthy of writing another blog. you need to retract this article u complete tossbag.

    Adam is a mug as well he was slagging off players on another site. what is it with all the w@nkers how is slqgging off a kid going to make things better. people must remember that ramsey is younger than the likes of cleverley at united younger than bale at spurs and younger than lansbury gibbs hoyte eastmond murphy szcesney at arsenal. he is just a kid forget abput the injury how many 20 year olds deal with one of their best friends hanging himself by upping their game?

    You got it right with your first sentence. Thank fuck you're just another blogger and don't have any influence.

    Oh Yes Please Yes Make This Happen

    We could've got Mata Gazidis the deal was 99% by the start of last summer Gazidis worked on it
    But Mr. Stingy Voyeur taking to long to consider THE BRITISH DENILSON who is not fit to kiss RVP's Boot
    Allowing Chelscum to hijack the deal

    To hell with those sentiment craps even Eduardo only get one season of chance by Le France Professor Rowan A

    Well Gary Speed Kill Himself Because Of Having Friend Like Ramsey

    Afraid I disagree, although he has been slightly on and off this year I still reckon he's one of the best on the ball! People playing against him through the years rate him above jack the lad! He's definitely the best I've ever played against from my youth days

    I just find this Article ludicrous

    You have recognised that he has been hot and cold, now add to that the fact this is his first season as a first team regular, his age and coming back from his injury and I think he has done very well, and will only get better and better.

    He didn't get the chance to develop much of a partnership with anyone, and last season he was looking good teaming up with jack, but that didn't happen as jack was out all season.

    To suggest he needs to go, is just madness! What must you think of diaby, benny or another player who has a bad run of form

    | Unregistered CommenterJ

    Give him at least another season to get back to his best.

    How about we let go of you instead?

    Utter nonesense, stick to playing FIFA mate, maybe write articles when you know what you are talking about eh?

    A] Ramsey suffered that dreadful injury (care of the Stoke City maniac) and we should stick with him for as long as possible - as with Diaby.

    B] He needs to play where he is good ... which is NOT left wing for 20 minutes.

    Like so many others before him Ramsey in danger of being ruined by having to play out of position where the Wenger no tactics, unchanging formation needs someone .... NOT where the best can be brought out of the player. We usually need to use one less winger in the 1st place and compete with more in midfield. It took Wenger several months to realise this ... while he continued to ruin an otherwise very good Arshavin.

    You got it right, I (we) totally disagree.
    At the start of the season no-one knew if Rambo was at a level to come back yet. The intention was to ease him in gradually and build him to his former prowess. Due to injuries in the early part of the season, most notably to Jack, and Rosicky not looking, at that stage, like the player he has now become again, Rambo was forced to play 90 minutes of game after game. He was often carrying a midfield of youngsters such as Coquelin and Frimpong. He was strong, consistent and added that bit of quality we all know he has. During and after the Xmas period he clearly became jaded but we did not have the personnel to give him the respite he needed. An injury and the re-emergence og Rosicky is allowing a young lad to re-charge late in a season when far more was asked of him than should reasonably have been expected. He is tremendous, has quality and as with so many others, with Wengers knowledge and nurturing he will be immense for many years to come.
    The future Arsenal captain, mark my words.
    R-A-M-B-O's a Goooooooner forever.

    what about you leave and never come back.....

    I agree with the author, Ramsey has an excellent game when those around him have excellent games. Too many games pass him buy look against England and against Man utd where he was ineffectual. He is a good player but he can't change games on his own he has had four years to progress further I think he is at where he always will be get 7 to 8 million for him and add it to bring in joe allen or siggurdson of swansea I would prefer allen as his stats for passing are actually better than xavi or iniesta though siggurdson does have an eye for goal and can be an attacking threat. In fact we have four fantastic midfielders in our rank that can play in central midfield possibly 5 i will list them in my preference 1. oxlaide chamberlain 2. coquelin 3. gnarbry 4. einsfield 5. harper these could fill Ramsey'sshoes easily and the money then could be used for other players in other positions. Open your eyes guys Ramsey does not deserve his place at the moment and there are several players in front of him it might be hard to get a game next season players available next season Wilshere, Song,Arteta, Rosicky, Oxlaide chamberlain, frimpong, lansbury coquelin diaby that is without any additions to the squad only frimpong lansbury and coquelin may behind ramsey in wengers current thinking but if he brings biliga or m'villa in song will move up and then you have wilshere arteta and rosicky playing for those places where then would ramsey come not in front of any of these I believe though i am willing to be proved wrong. Midfield is not a place we have to many issues and if wenger adds dempsey montilivo or m'villa I cannot see where ramsey comes in unless as an experienced player in carling cup games Are there any of you who can say out of those current players mentioned that you would play ramsey before them.

    I think he doesn't enjoy assists. may be Wenger is kept playing him because of this quality.

    Going on loan is good enough you moron. why would you sell someone so talented but not consistent.

    FFO has an opinion about Rambo , you agree or not .Afew idiots with names like FU and True Gooner to name a few have less IQ then fingers on 1 hand need to think before they post.
    Maybe Rambo will come good, I for one think that he will never get over that terrible injury. If so how long can AW keep faith with him when we need to replace him in the squad. Every time Ramsey comes on as sub he takes the space of another player who could be the future. If we are going to keep him send him out on loan for a season and if that does not work then its time for him to move on.Sentiment does not win matches.

    Arsenal fans should have learnt to trust Arsene. At least, for this season, Le Boss has proved wiser than us all. If Arsenal fans had their way, Song, RVP, Rosicky, Walcott wouldn't still be playing for Arsenal. I believe Ramsey is a great player. His present problem is decision-making. This is always easy to correct. Flamini was once terrible with his decisions but Wenger continued to teach.

    Come on, get behind your team. We may not have won a trophy in seven years but if we finish third, this is by far the best season of the seven.

    Afraid you are losing your samity old bean.Had any problems like this before? Please seek an appointment ASAP!.

    Tired of all the ADHD fans who think players can be judged as quickly as it takes them to crack one off

    He did not break his leg last season but season before that!

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