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    The curious case of Mr. Di Canio

    Paolo Di Canio's never been considered the most normal of professionals in the sport, in fact there have been occasions when a straight jacket may have been the best idea.

    But despite all of his questionable mental capabilities he is indeed loved by football fans up and down the country.

    Whether it be the passion he shows, the emotional turmoil he appears to put himslef through each match, he's someone you can't take your eye off.

    But for all is loveable characteristics, he has gone on record of stating that he is counts himself as a Mussolini sympatheser, indeed so much that he has a tattoo on his right arm relating to the fascist leader.

    This has even lead to investors in Swindon Town withdrawing their shares in the club after hearing of Di Canio's appointment, stating that they didn't want to be linked with the Italian because of his political leniencies.

    So it seems like a better time than ever, considering the racism scandals that are going on, to ask the question....Is it ok to like a man who openly supports a political figure who aided the Nazis?

    If the FA are prepared to ban Luis Suarez for saying a word which has the excuse of lost in translation hanging over it, why is it ok for a figure as prominent and openly opinionated as Di Canio to be allowed to continually express his far-right views? 

    A precedent is needed.


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