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      No love lost as Tevez looks to end bad romance

      The Carlos Tevez saga maybe coming to a close, and I’m sure everyone is breathing a sigh of relief that it’s all blowing over.

      It was like an awfully produced rom-com.

      Roberto Mancini, the forlorn protagonist seeks love and affection from lovable rogue Carlos Tevez.

      Initially they got on like a house on fire, and what blossomed was a wonderful relationship.

      Until Mancini started to make friends with Mario Balotelli, Samir Nasri and Edin Dzeko, which made poor Carlos a bit jealous.

      After a strained few months, Roberto asked his Argentinian heartthrob out on a date, or in footballing terms, to come off the bench and play against Bayern Munich.

      But Tevez obviously isn’t a fan of the sights Germany has to offer and turned him down.

      From that moment on, their love has withered like a dying rose day by day, culminating in Mancini saying he’d never take Tevez to a Westlife concert ever again.

      Or in footballing terms, he wouldn’t be playing for Manchester City.

      Not sure what was funny about that supposed rom-com, but I did say it was awfully produced.

      Now, with the credits rolling and Mancini still well in the money from the box office figures, Tevez is left considering his options as City sit top of the Premier League table.

      But it seems after a month or two AWOL in his homeland, the 26 year-old could now be on his way to Italy.

      Reports today state that the former Corinthians forward is in talks with Milan over a move to the San Siro.

      And even though they were once so close, like most of us, Mancini is looking forward to having him out of his life.

      After all, Balotelli is so much more fun and is always arranging romantic treats, such as impromptu firework displays.


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