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    Sol Campbell has the Last Laugh

    My Dad is a big Spurs fan, so you can imagine his delight when the former England, Tottenham, and Arsenal defender Sol Campbell walked into his workplace a few days before the derby. After taking a moment to make sure it was him, my Dad went over to ask for his autograph.

    He said Sol was a really nice fellow and certainly had the imposing physique that we’d all associated with the big center back. Not chancing missing the situation for a joke, my Dad asked Sol to sign it as the Tottenham player he’d enjoyed watching – not the Arsenal rival he later became.

    Campbell signed two autographs and gave my Dad a noticeable smile.

    When my Dad got home from work, he was excited to show me the autographs of the legendary player. There we were recounting what a quality defender he was when we noticed two numbers among each autograph: a two and a three.

    “Sweet, he put his shirt number on there” I said slightly jealous that my Dad had met one of his team's greater players. One of the ‘threes’  looked a bit like a five though, and as we couldn’t remember his Spurs number we decided to look it up online to get the definitive on which one it was.

    After a quick google, we discovered that Campbell wore a number 6 for England and a 5 for Tottenham. So what could the 23 be then? I think you know. One costly joke for my Dad...

    Reader Comments (13)

    23 appears to be Sol's squad number for Newcastle whilst he was with Portsmouth. What was the joke?

    No idea as he looked about as amusing as a pregnant whale on motd last night.I loved the dig by Col Murray about him too.


    Hmm appears that picture doesn't show. 23 was Campbell's shirt number at Arsenal during his famous first stint.

    Was that not the number he had when he made spurs debut v Chelsea....think u will find it was.

    No, I'm sorry Keith but he wore 12 on that game

    Video here of Campbell scoring on said debut in the number 12 shirt: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x9nsji_1992-93-pl-tottenham-1-2-chelsea_sport#.UTUehDCpqSp

    Are you all kidding me?!

    Campbell wore number 23 for Spurs for years, it was the first number he got (I believe) once squad numbers started. He only moved to number 5 during his final year with us.

    So, what an absolutely pointless article. Last laugh!? He did exactly as your dad asked. Fair play Sol Campbell, if you ask me.

    Sometimes fans of their own club surprise me. It's not like you're trying to remember if Nicola Berti wore number 36 shirt or not. Just one of our great players. Campbell wearing 23 is the same as King 26, Ginola 14 or Klinsmann 18.


    Why has newsnow directed me to this article?! Absolutely pointless and why are we still discussing this judas?... Deary me! You felt the need to share this!? 1. He wore 23 for Spurs first. 2. He's dead to all Spurs fans. 3. Write an article on Ledley if you're gonna waste your time.

    Over and out

    I can't believe any Spurs supporters would actually waste precious seconds discussing the shirt number of a total scumbag like Campbell. There've been plenty of lows in the past twenty-odd years, but none worse than when that twat announced he was off to Highbury, having run down his contract to ensure that Spurs got nothing to compensate them for losing their star player. A real Spurs supporter should at least blank him (if no offensive weapon was available), and to get his autograph is nothing short of disgusting.

    Good post Cheshunt boy. Nail on head. Please no one waste anymore time on this utter judas and if you see him in public, turn your back and walk away. DO NOT ASK FOR HIS AUTOGRAPH FFS

    Big Spurs fan asks Judas for his autograph?
    Pull the other one.

    I seriously cannot believe any self respecting spurs fan would ask that judas scum for his autograph. I remember when he did the dirty on us and will never ever forgive or forget. COYS

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