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    Are boos from the Gunners' own fans justifiable?

    It is understandable why Barcelona fans shuffle into Camp Nou with heavy feet and even heavier hearts because Barca often play a brand of football best described as an eyesore and they still don’t get results every time and Madrid find it hard to cheer on despite thumping a lower side team.

    Arsenal FC under the leadership of Arsene Wenger has had an upward climb from being a mid table team to a house hold name branded by a flourishing style of play and a habit of winning and contending for major trophies.

    The team, from all this time has strived to be the best; attracting among the hardcore support, “theater-goers” and casual fans who file through the turnstiles of a league game and an increasingly vocal section of entertainment seekers who seem to expect – nay, demand – free-flowing football and a guaranteed win every time the team takes to the pitch.

    And fair enough, I suppose, although it hardly seems logical that some fans feel so entitled to three points. If ever you pronounce to be the best, people will judge you harshly when you fall short of those standards. This is the crisis that the Gunners and their boss find themselves in.

    The fans have endured six trophy less seasons, an exodus of star players, presence of lacklustre playing personnel in Alumnia, Diaby, Squilaci, Arshavin, Djourou to mention but a few, insults and mockery from their closest rival fans and shameful results from must-win games, but despite all this, the support has never waned. The Emirates fills to capacity and the fans travel along in fanciful ways to all games away from home.

    The team seems to have lost its character and has become unstable. We used to be an offensive side with quick and sleek passing, counter attacks and very unpredictable. But judging from the way Newcastle turned our first half 4-0 lead to a draw, Fulham dominating the play from a goal down to a 2-1 win and Swansea beating us at our own game, it all seemed clear we are taking a nose-dive!

    Our trust in the manager has never waned, after all he “knows best” and has on many occasions demonstrated so. But his team selection and substitution has so often come under question this season and fans have labeled it “blinding”. This has smacked the manager in the face!

    But does heckling the team help inspire them or does it further demoralize an already fragile playing squad?

    I’ve never quite understood why fans boo their own team, even though I’m fully aware of how emotionally invested most supporters are. Despite a brief release of frustration, what does booing a team from the pitch accomplish, although in our instant gratification society it seems to happen more and more frequently?

    Is it the case that a growing number of fans now expect instant results and entertaining football, all in one? Or is it a natural reaction to poor performances from footballers paid handsomely to play the game?

    Arsenal has set pretty high standards, the challenge now is to consolidate them and work hard to fulfill these ambitions, short of this and we predict a riot!

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    Reader Comments (7)

    Booing can be constructive, it's not all bad. I agree to not booing because Arsenal lose, but other things have to be taken into account as well. For example if Arsenal are going through a bad streak because they are unlucky in front of goal and the ref. makes numerous wrong decisions for Arsenal or due to injuries, etc. it is unproductive to boo (because these things happen in football and that's just bad luck). But if they're struggling because half the team plays under par and the other half isn't good enough to carry that load then I guess the voice of the people has to be heard so that they [Arsenal] feel the pressure. It kind of wakes them up. The added pressure makes or breaks the player and this is where the men are separated from the boys. This is where we truly see who can handle it and who can't. Also it makes Arsene think and try harder.

    Remember this thumping win was against a side batting relegation. They were down to 10 men as well. Those boo's are very much required and justified when you see the team's performance, losing to teams we shouldn't even have trouble playing. No need to get carried away, just like the boss himself said, there is still lot to play and lot to achieve if we wanna play champs league!

    Not attending matches would be much more effective and get the job done finally.

    Infact Booing the players is nether good or bad, but the timing is not that good. The players will need the support they can get from the Majority of the Fans. Why Arsenal is today fighting for Champions League is due to two factors. The Manager and The Board Managerment. They are simply not doing enough. UNlike Man Utd, Liverpool, Chelsea, etc. Always buying youngsters and not bringing in Quality Experienced Players whom cost abit more to blend with the youth, We are left with 1 World Class Player, Van Persie. How long can we have another one more or 2 more? The Trophies need to come sooner to show what the club and the players have been fighting for. World Class Players will not hesitate to leave a club for Trophy or higher salary.

    Arsene Wenger is the greatest manager in the clubs history and any Arsenal fans who boo at the Emirates are a bunch of ungrateful bastards who don’t deserve to be there

    Some finns should stick to alcohol. Arsenal are headed down the table, it won't be turned around by wenger/board.

    Of course it is right for fans to air their feelings and what other way is their to let Wenger know he is not always right. If that booing had not taken place what game time would the Ox be getting right now, we would still be putting up with Arshavin who clearly does not give a damn. As for Wenger being the greatest manager, may be so but he has turned this squad into a very average bunch of players which is not good enough for The Arsenal.

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