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    Gutless Display Leaves Serious Questions to be Asked about Wenger’s Reign

    Last nights’ result against AC Milan may have seemed disastrous but it was the manner of the performance that should cause grave concern to all genuine Arsenal fans. The fact that we were lucky to lose by only four goals, in what was the worst defeat in Arsenal’s European history, is extremely damning to both the players and the management of our great club. Quite simply no one turned up to play on the night. There was no spirit, no cohesion, no fight, no creativity and too many basic mistakes were made on the night. After we conceded the first goal we never looked like coming back in the game. The worst thing about the result was the fact that we lost to a very beatable AC Milan team. They may be top in the Italian League but they cannot be compared to the great Milan team won back to back European Cups in 1989 and 1990 with players such as Gullit, Van Basten, Baresi, Maldini and Rijkaard.

    The saddest part of last night’s result was that it was inevitable. It angers me greatly that our Board our fantastic about talking up our ambitions to become a major European club yet in reality are only interested in maximising our profits by selling our best players. We had a poor squad last year with a frail mentality who disintegrated after we lost the Carling Cup final to Birmingham. The summer presented us with a brilliant opportunity to spend the funds that we had built up over the years of strict prudence and build a team that was capable of competing in the Premier League and Champions League. It was obvious to all and sundry that the team needed a strong spine and that a top class centre back, central midfielder and a striker needed to purchased. Wenger kept telling us to trust his judgement and based on the calibre of players he has brought into our team we all believed him.

    “If we lose Cesc and Samir, no-one will believe we're ambitious” (July 2011)

    Unfortunately instead of strengthening in the summer we sold our 2 best midfield players, failed to replace them and also failed to bring in the world class players we desperately needed. Wenger was correct in July by unwillingly predicting the lack of ambition that our club has shown not just this year but for the last 6 years in which we have failed to win a single trophy. I simply do not understand Wenger’s persistence in continually looking for a bargain when searching for players. Are we really that desperate for money? Does it take a genius to figure out that by selling your best players your team can only get weaker?

    It seems that we are being rapidly left behind the current domestic competition and if we fail to qualify for the Champions League this season I cannot see how we will be able to attract the quality players that we will need to dramatically improve our team. January presented us with a window of opportunity (no pun intended) to strengthen our team but Wenger declined to make any significant moves. Henry was brought in and gave us much needed joy but he is gone now at a time when our deflated team needed his inspiration the most. That was the risk (which I highlighted in my blog at the time) of bringing in a short term solution to a long term problem.

    The fact remains that since our appearance in the 2006 Champions League Final we have gone backwards as a team.

    A quick look at our current squad highlights our weaknesses. Where are the leaders? Who has replaced Tony Adams, Martin Keown, Patrick Viera and Sol Campbell? Who has the ability to inspire our team onto victory during a match when it seems that all is against us? Why do we only have 1 genuine world class player in our squad? Why have we spent less money on players (measured in net purchases) than any team in the current Premier League? Why did we sell Cesc and Nasri with no contingency plan in place?

    I have been a very vocal supporter of Arsene Wenger but he is making the same mistakes repeatedly. He has failed to bring in new coaches to freshen up our training and to bring in the much needed impetus to our style of play. We have become far too predictable and one dimensional in the way we play. We seem to only have one tactic at the moment – pass the ball to RVP and hope he scores. That is just not good enough for a club that wants to be a dominant player in Europe. I have criticised the Board of Directors repeatedly this year but the tactics, coaching and team selection are the responsibility of the manager and he has failed in all three areas.

    We may have financial stability at the moment but our club heavily depends on the income generated by the Champions League. If we fail to qualify this year then we will struggle to get back in for many years to come and this will only exaggerate the downward spiral we currently see ourselves in. Why has no one seen this?

    There seem to be far too many questions that have been left unanswered. Interestingly Pep Guardiola is in his last year at Barcelona and it does not seem that he wants to sign a new contract. Arsenal would present him with a fantastic new challenge and if he is interested we may have to say thank you and “Au Revoir” to Arsene in the summer.

    Nicholas Charles @TNCharles

    For more Football Blogs and opinion from football fans around the world

    Reader Comments (7)

    Sad to admit it but I feel that AW should leave Arsenal. He has lost the plot!

    Good article, but until the board stop being such money hungry Pr**ks, Wenger will always be used as the scapegoat.

    Tactically he is to blame, but I dont think its all down to him on the buying front...we need to get rid of the dead wood, and get real reinforcements fast

    Firstly, I agree with most of what you say. Arsene appeared to sit in the dugout all game, a beaten man. The team looked like they had been out on the town all night. Nobody seemed to have any passion. They did not look prepared for a game of such importance. Most looked like they had the wrong studs in their boots, slipping and falling over.
    Sideways passes, back passes, no penetration. The most frustrating performance I've seen in years. Even our better players looked bad.
    Time for major changes.

    Really interesting article, I have only two real points, firstly that I don't honestly believe wenger has any money to spend and the board repeating the fact that there is money available is purely to keep the season ticket prices at a premium (don't know how they'll do that when or if we don't qualify for the champions league but that's another story).
    Lastly but more importantly I see major faults in the tatical and coaching of the side, I can't and will not ever claim to be some kind of footballing genius so it's just my opinion. I don't believe that our problems can be solved by signing one or two defensive players, I don't actually think there is much wrong that can't be sorted by better coaching for example what made the 1990/1991 back four so good? I believe it was their abililty to defend as a unit, they knew where each other were all the time, this back four doesn't have a clue when I honestly believe abililty wise they aren't actually that bad, if wenger went and a more tatically astute manager came in I think we'd see vast improvements, no one can help but to admire wenger for what he has given or acheived with us but there comes a time when you have to say no matter how loyal you may feel to him that it's best for Arsenal if he went on his way. Now about those season ticket prices and the pricing of fans out of the game .....

    Just out of interest why do you think Pep Guardiola will do a better job? If it is the board who are limiting the spending then he'll have the same as Wenger to spend, and do you really think he will be able to build a better squad with the same resources? In fact is there any other manager out there who would be able to do that?

    I'm as sick of the situation at our great club as anybody, but the fact remains that we are no longer one of the top clubs in europe. And changing the manager isn't going to change that, which is why there's no point getting rid of Wenger. Even of we become a mid-table club, the games will still be well-attended & the cash will keep coming in. Admittedly not being in the Champions League will affect the income, but then RVP certainly won't sign a new contract this summer (in fact I believe he will be sold this summer).

    We have a team filled with sicknotes and kids, nothing more. Not one member of that team (with the exception of RVP) knows what it's like to lift a trophy. Not exactly a recipe for success.

    I will always love & support Arsenal, 40 years of that doesn't just go away overnight, but I have resigned myself to where we are heading &, even though it makes me sad to see it, we deserve no better.

    Nice to read these comments. Other supporters with brains.
    Its not just the leaders of the team we are raped of our talent every year.
    Flamini, Hleb, Nasri , Cesc , Cashley Cole, Kolo Toure, "Stampy" from Togo and why? Wages. Arsenal cannot or at least WILL not match what os offerd elsewhere. And so any talented players we get have their heads turned by the money offered and they are gone. Its not Wengers fault, he doesn't control the wage structure the board dooes but hes not blameless.
    In stroke of complete stupidity he failed to have contigency for Cesc or Nasri when every man and his dog and the cats the dogs chase knew they were leaving. He sold the cover for both left and right back and didn't replace those either. If we make the champions league next season it will hide the lack of true quality in our side and by then there will be evenm less quality. There is a host of clubs wgo will offer RVP almost anything he wants and rumour has it that Barcelona ( Cheif Arsenal Rapists) will try to buy the Verminator. The last 2 world class at Arsenal. The board should Lynched, fired or slapped about untill they realise its a football club not a business.And to those hold out share holders SELL to Kroenke...at least if millionaire or whatever he is buys us the board who are killing the club I love will not be in control!!!!!!!

    At the moment, any body will be a better manager than Arsene Wenger. I think he should seek employement at world bank or imf. Repeating the samething and expecting a different result is the first sign of madness. Arsene has shown sufficient signs of madness to be declared one.

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