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    Is Suarez a disgrace?

    There have been many great rivalries in English football over the years, but very few have encapsulated the true beauty of our nations' football like the north-west derby. In fact, despite all the years where United's title-deciding games have been against Arsenal, Chelsea, and more recently City (barring 08-09), Sir Alex Ferguson has always maintained that the biggest game of the season was against Liverpool. These are probably the two most passionate sets of fans, and the games have thrown up some wonderful occurrences. Who can forget Forlan's double in 2003? Dossena's chip in 2009? Berbatov's hat-trick (including bicycle kick as standard)? This is without a doubt the greatest football rivalry in English football. These are reasons why the dark shadow thrown over this fixture today was so saddening for all football fans. But what's the real story?

    There is a lot of smoke surrounding this story, as no-one truly knows what happened. The Manchester United story is that in the game at Anfield earlier this season, Luis Suarez racially abused Patrice Evra, and was rightly handed an eight game ban. Of course, racism in football was a hot topic, after John Terry's clear abuse towards Anton Ferdinand. With the former England captain awaiting trial, this case is “mild” in comparison, but still gravely serious. In the heat of a football match, tempers can flair over – this is well known to everyone. However, to come out with racist remarks can't be classified as “unintentional”. These are footballers who are meant to be setting the example for our future generations. If they see this kind of behaviour, then what are they supposed to follow?

    The Liverpool story is more detailed. Suarez called Evra “negrito”, which is a colloquialism in Uruguay, and not at all racist. Evra blew this out of proportion, and the eight game ban was unwarranted. Now, this is a fair view, as it is feasible that this is what Suarez said. There are two sticking points though. Firstly, it shouldn't have been said anyway. A common saying at the moment is “banter” - a way of quantifying completely unreasonable behaviour – and many have labelled this case as this. I personally have friends from all over the world, but I wouldn't go up to them and call them something as “borderline” as the language Suarez used. It's not like Suarez and Evra are really close friends either. My other question – why would a Frenchman know about a colloquialism in Uruguay? I don't know what the “banter” is like in Tanzania, but I certainly wouldn't use it willy nilly.

    So was Suarez right not to shake Evra's hand? The Liverpool contingency will obviously back his decision. After all, eight games isn't a light punishment, and without a doubt has restricted Liverpool in their ability to claim 4th. They will also point the finger at Evra's celebration after the game, which may have been over the top. However, after Suarez's disrespect towards the Frenchman at the handshakes, this was rather insignificant. The heat of the moment comes in to it again, and watching the game, I was reminded of Gary Neville's reaction to a late winner for United a few years ago. Neville roared and roared towards the camera, before kissing his badge repeatedly. It was a great burst of passion, but Liverpool were furious about it. The only difference this time is that Liverpool have something to label it on. Some fans have even called for Evra to be fined. Of course, celebrations are on par with possible racism...

    Of course, Suarez is no stranger to contempt. In the World Cup he punched a ball out of the goal, which despite getting him sent off, took the quarter final to penalties. Uruguay won, and Ghanaian hearts were broken. The wink to the camera as he walked off was too far. Sadly, no action was taken, as there are no rules in football against 'unsporting behaviour', but it did tarnish his reputation. Before this, he was Europe's hottest striker, bagging a goal per game for Ajax. Oh how he has fallen.

    Regardless of the details in the incident, Suarez is going to come off the bad guy here. Emmanuel Frimpong, who himself is outspoken and volatile, tweeted “I have just today realised Suarez is a total wasteman clown. Liverpool supporters saying Evra celebrated like he won the League. (I) am surprised they remember what that looks like.” This is the general opinion of Suarez though – he's bad news. Some Liverpool fans tweeted “Ferdinand also refused to shake Suarez's hand – isn't that the same thing?” - no, because Ferdinand hasn't just finished an eight game ban for reported racist abuse against Suarez. Ferdinand said “"I lost all respect for the guy. After seeing what he did, I decided I couldn't shake his hand." It's interesting to see all the different views of the fans. Loyalty to your club is one thing, but this case helps to determine the difference between a loyal fan, and a football fan.

    But why, of all weeks, was it this week? English football has been knocked down repeatedly this week, with Terry losing the captaincy, and Capello going. All of this stemmed from a racism case, so for the 'less serious' one to surface now has been disastrous. I have been careful throughout the article to use “possible” and “reported” as adjectives for the racism case, because I don't know the ins and outs of the story. In fact, the only people who do are Suarez and Evra. Many have said “why couldn't they have missed out the handshakes, like they did for Chelsea and QPR?”. The difference here though is that, as Terry was awaiting trial, the story had a long way to go. We won't know the true story until after the European Championships. The FA would have seen the handshakes as a great opportunity to bury this case. It was simple – Suarez and Evra shake hands, and that's it, case settled. Instead, the Uruguayan striker has fuelled the fire for this case to rumble on for a few more weeks.

    Probably a more worrying issue for me though is Kenny Dalglish's response to this. He spoke mostly of the game, and swept the issue under the carpet. With a player conducting himself in the way Suarez has, surely he must make some comment? Even backing him, as he did over the race row, would show strength. By simply not commenting shows a weakness, and an admittance in many ways. It's hard to speak out against your player, but Kenny was seen flapping his arms calling for Suarez to “calm down” during the game. He knew this was a high tempo, and high pressure game – after all, it's the North-West Derby. It is hard to see an end to this case though. Suarez tweeted cryptically that not everyone knew the “full story”, again fuelling the fire. If Evra has offended him, then he should go to the FA, surely not?

    It's been a bag week for English football. The last thing we needed was for this case to prolong any further, as it seemed to have ended. Instead, Suarez and Evra could both be called in by the FA for more investigations. Sir Alex Ferguson said "Suarez is a disgrace to Liverpool Football Club, he should not be allowed to play for Liverpool again. He could have caused a riot." Suarez is a wonderful footballer, there is no denying that. However, he is also a burden, and has reignited a dead fuse. It's a problem that cannot be ignored, but I hope for football's sake that the battles for 1st and 4th are the focus of the media come May – not the mess we are now returning to.

    Luke Smith @LukeSmithOnline

    Football Friends bring you the latest Football News and opinion from football fans around the world.

    Reader Comments (14)

    Evra did pull his hand or shy away from Suarez's first if you take a closer look at the footage?
    I don't see why people should be forced to shake someones hand in any case? i certainly wouldn't if I felt that someone had been aggressive toward me and then turned it round.
    Suarez is not a racist according to his international teammates and the words he used have been described as acceptable in his culture?
    Getting away from the racism issue though.Should Suarez go to the police and get Evra arrested for common assault for grabbing hold of his arm????
    This is a criminal offence? I am just pointing out that how far do we go in the pc world these days?

    Fully agree with the comment from Fleety see link below


    When is someone from the national press actually going to look at this whole issue from the LFC viewpoint, talk about balanced press, not in football when ManU are invovled, nothing balanced there ever.

    take a look at the video again - this clearly shows evra puling his hand away from suarez, who then sees the intention and then goes straight to de gea - who really refused to shake? a little subterfuge from evra seemed to go a long way - perhaps the press should consider that it isn't really suarez who is the baddie

    You're mistaken, the Commission's report makes no mention of "negrito".
    You should read it before passing comment.

    I most certainly would not shake hands with somone who had made bad remarks about my sister or any family member. No one in the world can tell Surez he should shake hands. Yet again the press ferguson, ferdinand and the tv will not let the matter rest. Fergie should concentrate his efforts on Man City as they will be the new Champions. Man Utd should be fined for their Fanzine KKK efforts to cause trouble. Fergie should worry more about Giggs and the inciting demo Evra carried out. Please national press, realise Suarez might just be the victim in all of this and his manager knows it. Look at Youtube and judge Evra. Actions speak louder than words!

    i would like to skip the handshake issue and move to fergie saying suarez is a disgrace and should never play for liverpool again . rewind time to cantonna leaving the field of play and assaulting a fan , eight month ban followed . no call for him to never play for utd again by fergie . the man is one of the greatest managers to grace the game but also IS the greatest two faced and blinkered one .

    Look at it from Suarez's point of view.

    He feels he has done nothing wrong yet his name has been dragged through the mud for weeks. Even so he has accepted his punishment and despite feeling badly wronged by Evera, the press and most of the football world, despite being demonised he has said and done little to make the situation worse.

    After all he has suffered why should he then be forced to shake hands with the man who caused all his problems

    However its not Evera or Suarez's fault here it's the FA Prem League for introducing a stupid handshake in the first place. Scrap the handshake and let anyone shake hands at the end of the game who wants to and let those that don't want to go unnoticed

    Why didn't the FA do the same as Terry/Ferdinand and not have handshakes it would have saved a lot of words being written, to say the least. But then Sir Alec in his wisdom said it would be OK to have handshakes and he knows best!!!! Needless to say Suarez comes off worst but why don't we give him credit at the end of the match. Here we are.....just lost to Man. Utd. under the circumstances everyone now knows and Evra in his celebrations could be considered as taunting Suarez and thankfully Suarez he didn't react. If he did would any blame have gone to Evra......who wants to answer that one?
    The Liverpool players knew what Evra was up to.........let's look at both sides not just the one with the "official" bad boy tag.

    Evra may have pulled his hand away initially but did then put his hand out to shake Suarez's hand, who then ignored him before Evra grabbed hold of it. When Rio then refused to shake Suarez's hand, Suarez stood there still offering his hand to Rio who again blanked him, so Suarez obviously had the inteniton of shaking Rio's hand. That said if Suarez had the intention of shaking Evra's hand then he should of waited for Evra's hand to come as he did with Rio but he didn't do, so obviously no intention what so ever from Suarez to shake his hand regardless of what Evra did.

    As for the celebration's after the game agreed Evra should not have done this in front of Suarez, but what the current footage being shown today on the news channels and on MOTD is Evra celebrating in front of Suarez not showing that he had done this to all parts of the ground not just in front of Suarez, so again media portraying only part of story. And Fergie has come out and said it was wrong for Evra doing it, condemning his own player for his actions.

    As for Liverpool again the hardest word to say seems to be sorry for the actions of one of their players. Suarez has been proved quilty of racially abusing someone by his own admission of calling Evra a negro and at same time pinching his arm in a supposed conciliatory manner. If someone you have not met before or had litlle to do with on a personal level insults you and pinches your arm is this in a friendly manner? I think not. This is what Suarez has done, which has been lost in all of the hype over the case.

    Should he have been banned for 8 games for his actions? That can maybe be seen as a little harsh but has now set a precedent for the FA & premier league to throw the book at Terry if & when he is found quilty.

    As for the UTD KKK fanzine, again the mindless actions of a few has rightly been punished but should not reflect on the club and there supporters as a whole, as should be the case with the Liverpool fans over the actions of there own fans to the Oldham player and towards Evra at Anfield in the cup with the racial gestures. Hopefully punishment for all fans concerned in the three incidents is as strong as the FA's in the Suarez case.

    All of you are quick to not support Luis. If you look very very closely he put out is hand to Evra, Evra put his hand next to his waist and after Luis didn't get it he moved on then Evra pretended that he (Luis) is the one who didn't shake his hand. You people are such fools that you play to his falsehoods. Anyway to LFC Fans whatever happened to YNWA. If indeed as everyone else seems to claim he should have shook hands (which in my opinion he was), he doesn't have to, especially when in my opinion Evra lied changing his story several times, Lui's mistake was admitting (which he did not have to as no one saw or heard him say it) the word negrito (not negro as the other Muppet above says). He was honest Evra was not and he gets punished and all Fergie wants is to get rid of Luis as he knows next year LFC will be fighting for the title and Luis is their biggest asset.

    Evra is a prat and so is all of the united big heads. why should Suarez shake the hand of a man who accused him and protested against him and got him banned for racism. In the eyes of Suarez he may be thought that he done nothing wrong, and was maybe sticking up for himself.. Evra on the other hand milked the situation playing the nigger, black, coloured card and got him band. On the day with all the hype of the game and the smug faced Evra thinking i ve got one over you , maybe suarez thought f*** him too... And with him clowning around after the match , i could not stop thinking that if he was white that may be you would say he was acting like a monkey. Without being racist that is. The problem with Evra and the United club their shit dont stink.....

    I agree with dazza, Sir Alex is biased. Deep down he's just out to criticise Liverpool at every opportunity when he could have calmed the situation. Evra just likes to be the centre of attention and wants to get suarez in trouble. He should have shaken Suarez hands during the Anfield match instead of blowing the matter out of proportions. Evra should be charged with assault for grabbing suarez arm. Sir Alex is a disgrace he forgot cantona. Then again who's he to decide who should play for Liverpool.

    Any action against racism will always get my vote.
    Having said that, Suarez had served his 8 match ban and there was no need to prolong the matter by snubbing his original accuser.
    On a slightly different tack, I've never understood the furore over Alan Hansen's use of the word "coloured" to describe players who are presumably,...well.... coloured darker than so-called Caucasian folk. This, IMO, was PC gone mad.
    Going back to the ridiculous procedure of players shaking hands before a game, I don't know who thought up this one.....probably some idiot at FIFA. Better by far to witness the genuine spontaneous handshaking AFTER the game among the players.

    Both Suarez and Evra behaved badly. Why do the media keep quiet about Evra's bad behavior?

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