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    Time to go, Arséne (Video)

    Two minutes was all it took for Robin Van Persie to vindicate his high-profiled, widely maligned move to Manchester United.

    The scene was fitting. Arséne Wenger and his travelling army of Arsenal fans, visitors in the Theatre of Dreams, were forced to watch their Dutch hero in the shirt of their fiercest Premier League rivals – and be subjected to the cruelty of him scoring.

    The loss, however, represented far more than another sold star showing he’s moved on to better things.

    Arsenal was on the wrong end of a monstrous 8-2 hammering last year – but in many ways last night’s 2-1 defeat hurt even more to fans. Their team’s performance was borderline lifeless. United controlled the game from whistle to whistle – and it was only a late Cazorla consolation and a wasteful United in front of goal which saved the score line from meandering to the realms of embarrassing.

    The defeat dropped Arsenal to their worst start to a season in 16 years and shouts of “Wenger, Wenger sort it out” resonated around Old Trafford.

    There’s only so many times blame can be deflected away from Arséne Wenger. A legend he will always be, but even the greatest of managers should not be excused for seven (approaching eight) trophy less years – particularly for a club with the magnitude of Arsenal.

    One of his vital shortcomings as a manager in recent years was exemplified perfectly through Robin Van Persie’s goal yesterday afternoon. Wenger has failed to prevent key players from departing and, as such, his man management must be questioned. Van Persie was the last of his world class stars to pack their bags and head for the trophies – and now is the ideal time to bring in fresh ideas and look to build something new.

    Arséne Wenger will forever be embedded in Arsenal history. But his previous geniuses are no longer present and the time has come for him to move on before his impeccable reputation is tarnished.

    Manchester United v Arsenal 发布人 dm_5090bf3966cbe

    Reader Comments (7)

    Yes it's time for the fm to move before things get worse.He has gone stale.Granted Arsenal don't have the funds to compete but surely tactically he could have done much better.He has lost it. It's the same style and easy to counter. With the gunners on the attack,the passing will lead to stray pass or misdirected or intercepted. Then a swift direct pass and RVP has only two defenders some distance from him . It was inevitable he would score.
    Now contrast this with the gunners buildup,slow and ponderous. By then MU have at least eight players back,including the ugly brit bull dog.How can the gunners score?Even Messi would have a problem.These are all Wenger's flaws and he still persisits. At another club,he would have been axed years ago.

    Are you serious. You truly believe Arsene Wenger is to blame for Arsenal's recent travails, or even those of the past 7 years.

    Why not try to bring in a manager (if ever you can find one) who can build you a brand new state-of-the-art stadium in this day and age, consistently make (just) enough profit to offset the interests on the stadium loan, maintain a top-4 finish and hence European Champions League presence year-in year-out using green horns and generally continue to be about the only club in the whole of Europe to live strictly within its means.

    Why are Arsenal fan so blind and so impatient? I wish some of you guys who make all these noises would be the ones to provide the kind of funds you all wish we had so we can just throw it into the club without a care in the world. Nonsense!

    pg chomo... u douche bag... the team is falling apart.. there ia a time when the manager must realize that its time to spend big money.. we were iin the top 4 cozz of persie alone... wenger is tactically so naive that he only plays 451 all teams have figured us out in the first 10 games of the season.. what are players like chamakh, diaby, flappy, squillachi still doing at arsenal... wengger has lost it.. its better he leaves now.... than later once he has totally destroyed us.

    @terry, you're actually speaking my point. Wenger makes players. He doesn't buy them. He lives within his and Arsenal's means. Other coaches are too lazy to make their own players and wait for Arsenal to make them then pounce with their ill-gotten wealth (which they 're actually really laundering) offering these players (many of them stark illiterates) salaries that would make even Bill Gates head spin.

    If you're so pissed off with the way things are (mind you, we all are) and you can bear it no longer, you go on and support some other clubs that have deep pockets with which they can buy all their trophies (either by poaching the best players from other clubs or by buying the officiating officials - you know those I'm talking about. But if this suggestion is too extreme for you, then perhaps you will offer Wenger the funds with which to buy the type of great players that you're asking for - how else would you expect him to get the kind of funds which the clubs holding your kind of players are asking for? Again, if this is an unthinkable option for you, then may be you (omniscient football coach) should go offer yourself to the board as replacement for Wenger.

    So, you see how really stupid and ignorant you are. Pathetic Dunce!

    Just a breath of fresh air at the managerial level and Arsenal will rise again. Wnger's time is up and he doesn't even know it. He will be very stupid to supervise both growth and decline.

    PG Chomo, you're absolutely right that Wenger makes players, he doesn't buy them. But therein lies the route of the problem. The game has moved on to a stage where even the more obscure players - if talented - have a large price tag attached to them and Wenger doesn't seem prepared to bite the bullet.

    AWs social wage structure is in reality a huge own goal because it retains mediocre players while letting the best players go. It is this silent rot. which is eating into results and can no longer be hidden. Balanced books and frugal on transfer fees have been talked about but the fact is that Arsenal`s wage bill is the 3rd highest in the league, so clearly many mediocre players are being overpaid, witness the huge difficulty to offload underperforming players. RvP obviously did not like the idea of paying some of his salary to Bendtner...

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