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    Does Arsene not know?

    Does anybody know ... can anybody reveal ... can anybody explain ... WHY  - Arsenal FC is still faffing about in mid January wondering who we can pick up on loan (or even buy !) as cheaply as possible - to cover our defensive injury crisis ?  And I do mean crisis.

    Why did the ‘powers that be ‘ (ie. Arsene) not do all this faffing about in December when it was abundantly clear this crisis was looming. Perhaps we were (ie he was).  Perhaps Arsenal FC has actually been faffing about for six weeks, never mind two? That would be no surprise.

    Surely the solution(s) could have been negotiated in (say) December and the paper work have been prepared early. Surely we could have signed a player or players on loan on 2nd January ... and he or they could be playing by now.  Instead of which we go to Swansea with a patched up excuse for a back four.

    [Something like Miquel, Koscielny, Squillaci, Yennaris. Oh good.]  The lads who play will do their utmost but this is NOT shrewd, decisive management.

    Is it because we cannot make up our mind who would be suitable?  Perhaps we are not prepared to pay enough weekly wage?  Perhaps the Omani who plays in division 2 of something will overnight become a terrific Premiership defender?

    Perhaps we have been agonising about it being so jolly unfair to poor young Gibbs ... who might (or might not) never be injured ever again?  And we would hate to impair his development, wouldn’t we. One hears an important reason why we did not bring Vieira back for a couple of final seasons, was that it might have slowed Song’s development.  Never mind how much Song (and the whole bloody squad) would have learned from Vieira!

    While on the why tack ... why did we not buy Cahill and Enrique in the 1st place for about the same money as Santos and Mertesacker?  Both top rate, proven Premiership defenders. Well, we know the answer to that one.

     The Bolton Chairman revealed how little AFC had offered for Cahill (irrespective of possible add ons). Arsene copped a strop and would not continue business. And was that to satisfy Arsene’s irritation or to do the club the slightest good?  Who would we rather have ... Mertesacker or Cahill?  It’s not rocket science.


    Enrique is not without skill and not bad going forward but  is first and foremost a defender. That’s what I would want and what (I believe) most Gooners would want. But not what Arsene would want.  He wants converted wingers / wingbacks ... because ... “I will never abandon my attacking principles “

    Nevertheless..... fingers, legs and all else crossed for the match at mighty Swansea. And does anybody fancy a weakened, unchanged back four against Man. Utd. the following week ?

    By the way, having failed to pre organise defensive transfers, we are bound to field a vulnerable back four. I would therefore play one more in midfield (eg, Benayoun) and one less dangerous, erratic winger. We may well need to deny Swansea as much possession as possible – and Man. Utd (!) 

    Don’t hold your breath for Arsene to agree.

    Take care all,


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    Reader Comments (8)

    Our defenders are starting to come back from injury now, why would we buy more?
    Its cover for Van Persie we need.
    By the way, we offered 7M for Cahill in the Summer and it was rejected. And judging by his performances, Im glad we didnt sign him. And if you think Enrique is a top defender, you are mad. I have seen him go missing countless times.
    Dont believe everything you read.
    English players like Cahill are overhyped all the time. Ask yourself why all the big clubs are not in for this bargain...
    Our defence is not perfect, but its much better than it was.
    Not badly written, but poor content and lazy in my opinion.

    I dont get this article. Mert is better than Cahill. Enrique is a decent left back - no more. Santos was really coming on and was matching Enrique. A playmaking leftback? who else has one of those?

    Actually, he's been faffing around for the last 6 years.Fair enough-every time he gets a settled midfield 66% of them leave like rats (or is that gluttons)but at the moment we have an established and combative midfield which can only get better and has improved the cover for the defence-we must have one of the best records take away the 8 and 4 shipped at the start of the season.It is Arsen's duty to sign an established goal scorer NOW.Any other premiership manager with half a testicle and 15 million quid would.

    Terrible journalism.

    Don't quit the day job, asshole.

    absolutely agree, this club will play for time hopjng nobody wants to come here so they can get through without spending any money again. they told us last year there was money available then we sold more players they said theres more money to spend. will they now spend some of it, of course not because they want to prove that arsenal are intent on making it a business rather than a competitive football club. had enough of this manager and this board. dupiaza

    Yes I can.

    You fail to take into account - we are maxed out on foreigners! We need to sell (please God, squillacci) before we can even get a foreign loanee in. Also, if we get a loanee in we will lose a sqaud place for the remainder of 2011/2012 season as you are not allowed to replace loanees in the squad list.

    The only viable option is to get in an Englishman; who for a loanee would only be cr*p (e.g. Wayne Bridge) or overhyped expensive. (e.g. Leyton Baines).

    Go back to Football manager, it's a lot simpler than real life!

    God you are stupid. Cahill has crazy wage demands an Bolton wanted too much for him. Spuds too backed out. Also, cahills season so far has been mediocre and between the two mert has far more experience. Santos will be an emirates legend but Enrique is ok too. You Brits always think that the pl is so special. It'a not. Stop your silly whining and get behind the team!

    | Unregistered CommenterP

    The answer to all our 'problems' would surely be solved if we got rid of Wenger and a committee of bloggers headed by yourself ran the club in his place. Remember the saying....
    'Those who can do, those who can't teach, and those who THINK they can but obviously can't, well they write blogs'.

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