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    Manchester United: A die-hard Fan’s perspective

    In continuing with my Mid-Season Reports, The Trequartista has decided to do a special report and interview, Emile: a life-long, die-hard Manchester United who’s watched every game of United for over 30 years now. I, dive in head first asking him his thoughts on how the season has panned out for United and what he expects to happen next year... 

    TT (The Trequartista): In a few words, how would you sum up the season so far?

    EM (Emile): “Doing well to be in the race for the Premiership despite the injury concerns. Improvement is a definite though”


    TT: Who’s been the Key Player for you this season?

    EM: “Nani, mainly because he can contribute so much to the team. Goals, assists, lethal passing and superb crosses”


    TT: Who’s been the Best Player this season for United?

    EM: “Who else but Rooney? He’s the main focus in our frontline”

    TT: Any particular reason why Rooney?

    EM: “Because all good comes from him – creativity, build up play, goals and with him on the pitch, defenders are usually focused on controlling him, leaving others free. His goals have been crucial for us”

    TT: And the Worst Player this Season:

    EM: “The worst player this season would have to be Ferdinand. Too many easy goals have been conceded when he’s been on the pitch. He’s too slow now and has been unable to organise the backline like he used to.

    TT: Many would say it’s because of a rotating backline and injury...

    EM: Yes, but also because Ferdinand doesn’t lead like he used too. He clearly misses Vidic. He’s too old now and can’t control the defence”

    TT: The player who has improved his game this season the most?

    EM: “Carrick for me has improved a lot”

    TT: Interesting choice, why Carrick?

    EM: “His work rate helping the defence and pushing forward to help the attack has improved. Has dictated play more often this year than last year”

    TT: ...and the worst game this season?

    EM: “6-1 to Manchester City of course. Bad defending and especially blame Evans whose stupid red card ended the game for us”

    TT: It was a record home defeat for you guys...

    EM: “At home, you should never lose that much”

    TT: The best match you’ve played this year?

    EM: “The game against Chelsea [Manchester United 3 – 1 Chelsea]. It was our best first half in a long time. We started hard and wanted to score goals. Our intense pressure overwhelmed Chelsea and they lost the game because of it”

    TT: Your best transfer this season?

    EM: “Young [Ashley] because he’s fit, young and has experience. He’s fast and has a good eye for goals and considering what we spent on him, he’s a good purchase. Adds another attacking threat for us in the front”

    TT: What are your predictions for the next half of the season?

    EM: “A top two finish looks to be certain. If the injuries continue though, wouldn’t be surprised if we finish third. With a full team we can finish second or first, no question about it. It [the title] will be decided in the last 10 games”

    TT:  What do you guys need to improve on if you are to remain challenging City?

    EM: “We have to improve our defending and put some more solid players in the middle”

    TT: As in new transfers?

    EM: “Yes as in transfers, buy new midfielders. Rotate and use some younger players to give them more experience. Too many old defenders at the back now too”

    Andrew Bishara

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