Arsene Wenger has set the managerial blueprint

Lets start with the "controversial" scouting system, refereed to as one of the best in the world which has unearthed the likes of Fabregas, Diaby, Adebayor, Henry, Clichy, Song and many others. The academy has devopled a pool of English talent, Cole, Bentley and Wilshere in recent years. The club is self sufficient and not reliant on a mega rich owner, which offers a far more stable future in the long hall and off course, the majority off the time...they play pretty decent football, Barcelona game excluded of course.
But would Arsenal fans sacrifice a well run club, a young talented squad playing "total football" for actually wining something? Despite the achievements above, the Gunners still remain trophy less for the past half decade, even their neighbours have won the Carling Cup in this time.
Would Arsenal fans rather see an ageing experienced team, playing not to lose and vast becoming long ball merchants, heavily indebt and boring to watch, but most importantly, wining...?
The obvious answer is a no, the stubborn Frenchmen appears reluctant to alter his methods and Arsene, I salute you! The club is challenging every year for trophies, the team is financially sound, you have an exciting squad of talented young's footballers, a fantastic stadia and the most exciting English prospect since Wayne Rooney.
I do hope Arsene soldiers on, it wont be long before the glory years return to the Emirates.
The question is Wenger or Mourinho, who would you prefer? Long term prosperity or short term success.
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