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    You can’t win anything with OAPs'

    One of the most famous quotes in football for fans young and old is the throw away comment once made by Match Of The Day pundit, Alan Hansen.  He once proclaimed that a young United team containing Messrs, Giggs, Scholes, Beckham, Butt and the Neville Brothers, Could not win the title due to their age.

    Of course the famous – “You can’t win anything with kids” comment has since been rammed down his throat, reminded of it at every available opportunity, as the now world renowned squad of 1995 - with an average age of 24 and 6 of the starting 11 being 21 or under - went on to bag the title.

    I on the other hand, believe that I will not suffer the same fate when announcing - you can’t win anything with O.A.Ps……..

    I am of course referring to Chelsea. Seven of the players that took to the field on Tuesday for the last 16 Champions League game were over 30.  Four of these players – Lampard, Anelka, Drogba and Ferrerare as old as 32 – At least Anelka will be in March.

    I think it is no coincidence that a Chelsea team that had started the season like a freight train, beating teams with ease, seems to have run out of steam as the season has progressed. 

    Of course, it has become somewhat of a cliché to say that their bad run had started with the bizarre departure of Ray Wilkins. Whilst this may be true, I suggest it to be no more of a coincidence, registering it as anything more than that, is a great disservice to the skills of Ancelotti.

    As the talk of an aging Chelsea increased, Abramovich famously smashed the British transfer record, spending £50m on an out of form, Fernando Torres.

    The strange action that took place on the final day of transfer market, did nothing more than temporarily paper over the cracks, of a weak and lack lustre Chelsea. If anything the accusation has increased expectations and pressure, due to the price paid.

     Abramovich silenced doubters that suggested he had lost interest in the West London outfit, I am wondering however, if he was completely aware of the age of his team, after all, many of that team have seen their best days.

    The 7 or 8 signings required will not come cheaply in today’s market, especially for Chelsea, who it is commonly known, have the cash to splash. This will of course instantly double the price of any player they wish to acquire.

    But with it being public knowledge that the Chelsea owner is less than willing to splash the kind of cash he did in his early days - the need for a whole new team, may be the straw that brakes the camels back.

    Abramovich had previously put pressure and emphasis on the Youth set up to produce talent and whilst it has produced the exciting prospect of Josh McEachran, who is an exciting prospect for England fans, it is not enough to answer the current worries of Chelsea.

    So, for Abramovich it is a daunting and costly summer ahead. However, I don’t think he will be willing to splash much more. Also, if he does he will put the European future of Chelsea at risk due to the Fifa Fair Play rule that insists from 2012 clubs will have to live within their means - something Chelsea have never done under the iron fist of Abramovich…

    As a result – you heard it here first- Chelsea will not win a trophy this season or next, unless they sign at least 7 new players. I also believe, the trophy that Abramovich most desires, in the form of the Champions League, will elude Chelsea under his ownership….

    So, no matter how often a senile sounding John Terry insists they can still win the title….. You can’t win anything with O.A.Ps…..

    Martyn Edwards

    Twitter: martyn_edwards


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