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    So Where Are All the Wenger Haters Now?

    It was not too long ago when certain sections of Arsenal’s fan base were calling for the most successful manager in Arsenal history to either resign from his post or to be fired. “In Wenger We Trust” was quickly being replaced in blogs across the internet to “In Wenger We Rust”. How fickle some fans can be.

    Although I have criticised Arsene for the mistakes in the past I never felt that the answer to our problems was to have him removed. The issues within our club are a lot deeper than our manager and the youth policy that he so stubbornly stuck to despite the many warnings that it was not working. It was not Arsene’s fault that we had no money to spend for long period of time after our new stadium was built. Nor was it his fault that our board of directors gave him almost complete control of the way the club was run. When David Dein was ruthlessly kicked out of Arsenal there was a 2 year period where Arsene had to combine David’s previous job with his own. Even now there still seems to be a lack of personnel who Arsene can turn to for genuine advice; someone who can take the pressure away from Arsene when it comes to negotiating transfers and contract extensions. On the pitch I still think that the coaching staff consists of too many “Yes” men. I strongly believe that when Pat Rice retires in the summer and a new assistant coach is hired it will reinvigorate Arsene and bring a much needed freshness to the squad as well bring a new dimension and ideas. After all it is not a coincidence that Sir Alex Ferguson’s talks very positively about bringing in new assistant coaches. He has had 5 in the last 15 years whereas Arsene has only had Pat Rice.

    Nevertheless the key issues are starting to be addressed. Ivan Gazides seems to be taking a more active role within Arsenal. We are currently the most financially secure club on the planet with consistent profits and with cash available to spend without the need of a sugar daddy. Most importantly Arsene has finally realised that his youth project has failed and went out and purchased experienced players over the summer. Now it seems that the squad has settled we look strong defensively and more importantly we are winning games. Yesterday’s win over Norwich was our fifth in a row in the premiership and our record now stands at 10 wins from 12 in all competitions. This impressive set of results is a far cry from our disastrous start to the season – but is really surprised? It was always going to take time for our squad to settle and although the players should have been brought in earlier – the past is in the past and we should only focus on the future.

    In my opinion it was inevitable that Arsene would turn it around. We now have a team that genuinely loves playing for the shirt. Just compare that to what is happening with Tevez at Manchester City? However there is still a long way to go in the season and nothing is ever won (or lost) in November. I just hope that Arsene builds on the momentum that we currently have and buy at least 2 more world class players in January. We still desperately lack another striker to take the burden from RVP and our central midfield still lacks some genuine creativity to replace what we lost with Fabregas. Lets just hope that Arsene really has learnt from his past mistakes!

    More importantly we should all pray that nothing happens to the greatest goal scorer in Europe right now RVP! IN ARSENE WE TRUST!

    Nicholas Charles @TNCharles

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      once the military was creating new ejection seat coaches for his or her aircraft aircraft pilots, I offered with regard to ejection chair training duty. In the old days, the actual coaches utilized live charges instead of pneumatically-driven space and hydraulic breaks. I ��shrunk" a centimeter or two (due to spinal ...

    Reader Comments (7)

    Wenger out!

    Here we are Arsene hater . It's not as we hate him as a person but we hate him for not listerning to critics and his stubbornness is equal to no one in football . Since D. Dein left , all the guy is best of moaning to the referees and 4th officials . He has turn from the manger to a muppet or a clown . From A.Wenger to Basil or even Mr Bean .
    How many years are we going to wait for him to deliver a silver wear ? 10 years !
    During that 10 years with his wage form my hard earning wages he will be 3 to 10 times millionaire . What would I get nothing going up and down the country and Europe following a team that every one knows are not going to win anything .People should take Barcelona as an example that show , getting rid of a manager is not always a bad thing . Far from it .
    Barcelona ,when from Louis Vangaal to Franck Rijkaard thenGardiola to win wonders . Guardiola a genius guy who did not have a spell as a manager before taking Barcelona to this high is today the best manager in the world . Arsenal fans are scared of the change . Stick with Wenger and 100years long the line we will still win nothing .

    Where were all the Wengerites when things were bad at the start of the season? I think most people loved Wenger but not his stubborness, his rhetorical bollocks about mental strength and spirit when it was obvious there wasnt any. It was tiresome, embarrassing and as well as that heartbreaking that someone that gave us so much joy over the years was literally crumbling on the touchline and in interviews right before our eyes. No one wanted him gone because of who he is but because the so many wrongs were constantly not being put right, just because of his ego. He admitted in L'Equipe the other day that his pet project failed. Constantly harping on about garbage like Denilson and Diaby being killed if we were to buy players was what really riled the "Wenger haters". Now there is a semblance of a team with some half decent back up in SOME of the areas needed, we are finally starting to see a team playing with some spirit but that's because of the changes required NOT because he knew all along and I wouldnt get all high and mighty just yet, there is a long way to go.

    I have never been wenger hater. In fact I believe in wenger and think that there is no better manager out there.But at the start of the season, I thought wenger need to change or leave. If we have not suffered heavy defeat at the hands of Mu, he would still be sleeping and telling us porky pies. Now that we have got some old heads and experiance in our team, thing are looking different. And that is what we all have been telling wenger to do. At least we have freedom of thinking and are not afraid to express our opinion. However, Wenger lovers are like sheep and follow him without questioning. You are like those religious fanatics who will follow their priest without asking questions and daring to go against his idea of GOD, and believe that everyone else is wrong. At the end of the day, we all want best for Arsenal.

    wenger haters are the sheep led so easily by the media

    I have always said that in Arsenen We trust even when we lost to MANU 8 2 i said it and will say it times and times again... Wenger is the best

    This writer is jumping to conclusions too early. The fact that people criticized Wenger did not in any way suggest that he was hated. Who knows, without those criticisms from genuine lovers of Arsenal whether anything would have changed? Right now, Wenger is at it again. He has rushed to the conclusion that he will not buy any player in the January window. This is in the face of a known fact that this team though large comprises some unserviceable and below performance players. We may be winning now but I want to know how many fans can stick out their neck on a match day that Arsenal will win. We are merely making it and this is not good enough. We still need a solid defender like Cahil. We need a striker and a creative mid fielder too. We have a large squad but not a strong one. We can make this squad stronger by selling the unproductive players and replacing them with quality players. It is only then we can say. Wenger. well done. otherwise, we shall continue to criticize him until the club attends the height we want.

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