Football Friends has joined forces with the Kenyan based charity Glad’s House.

    This inspiring charity is looking for football fans in the UK to send their unwanted football boots to the children of their Kenyan community to start a number of “football boot libraries”.

    The aim

    The charity supports and helps ‘street children’ and ‘street youth’ to get off the street and be part of the community.  There’s a great video on YouTube.


    Football Friends will head a new project that will see generous football fans send their unwanted football boots to Magongo a township in Mombasa Kenya. Glad’s House, who have a number of teams based in this community, will use the boots in a similar scheme to our local bowling alleys.

    The Children will deposit a possession and use your football boots for free in organised games arrange by the local sports centre.

    How do we start?

    Send your football boots and any photos / message for the children to:


    Football Friends Project

    8 Driftway, Hook, Hampshire RG27 9SB


    Please include your email address or any photos / message you would like to pass on.

    Please try your best to send the boots in the best possible condition, remember these children will not have the luxury of hot water and shoe polish!

    Do not hesitate to visit the website www.gladshouse.com or contact the team on 01256 766263 or e-mail http://www.gladshouse.com/index.php/wanttohelpus/